Constitutively active Notch negatively regulates sensory axon arborization. (A–I) Constructs of full length (Notch-FL) and two constitutively active forms of Notch, Notch-ΔEC and Notch-IC, are tagged with EGFP and expressed in cultured sensory neurons using HSV. (A–C) When expressed in sensory neurons, Notch-FL shows a prominent presence on the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm, but not in the nucleus (arrows). In contrast, Notch-ΔEC shows a predominant distribution in the nucleus, as well as on the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm (D–F, arrows), whereas Notch-IC shows a almost exclusive distribution in the nucleus (G–I, arrows). Bar: I, 5 μm. (J–L) Expression of Notch-FL in sensory neurons has no effect on the number of axon branch points (J), but induces a slight reduction in the total and maximal axon length (K,L, **0.05 < p < 0.01, n = 25 for each group, one-way ANOVA). In contrast, both Notch-ΔEC and Notch-IC induce significant reduction in axon branch points, total axon length and maximal axon length in sensory neurons. (*p < 0.01).