NRAMP1 is present in the endosomal pathway and on the plasma membrane. Root epidermal cells of nramp1 plants complemented by NRAMP1-GFP were imaged by confocal microscopy. (A) The vacuolar plane of elongating cells (Upper) and cortical plane of dividing cells (Lower) showing that NRAMP1-GFP was present mostly in cytoplasmic vesicles but also was detected on the plasma membrane (white arrow), more clearly in younger cells. Transmitted-light (differential interference contrast, DIC) images are shown also. (B, Upper) NRAMP1-GFP plants were crossed with plants expressing the trans-Golgi marker ST-mRFP, the TGN/EE marker mRFP-SYP43, and the LE/MVB marker mRFP-ARA7. Colocalization of fluorescent markers was analyzed in root epidermal cells of F1 plants. On the merged pictures the overlap of GFP (green) and mRFP (magenta) channels appears white. Cell contours are represented by dashed lines. (Lower) Enlarged view of the region marked by the white outline in the upper row (magnification: 3×). Pearson (rp) and Spearman (rs) correlation coefficients as well as M1 (GFP) and M2 (mRFP) Manders overlap coefficients above threshold were calculated. (Scale bars: 10 µm.)