Construction of Grpr-Cre using BAC cloning. (A) Schematic overview of the generation of Grpr-Cre mice. The Cre sequence together with an ampicillin-resistance cassette flanked by 2 frt sequences was inserted through homologous recombination to replace exon 1 in the Grpr locus. Once inserted, the ampicillin-resistance gene was removed by the addition of arabinose, leaving only the Cre sequence under the influence of the Grpr promoter. (B) A pulsed-field gel electrophoresis image showing BAC-wt (180 bp and 8734 bp), BAC-Cre (112 kb, 70 kb, and 8734 bp), and arabinose-treated Cre (181 kb and 8734 bp). (C) Electrophoresis gel image from the single-cell analysis showing a positive and a negative cell for Grpr, ladder 100 bp. iCre (codon-improved Cre), frt (frt site), Amp (ampicillin-resistance gene). (D, E) Induction of action potentials in a tdTomato;Grpr-Cre cell when 300 nM gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) was applied to the recording chamber. (F) Tonic spike profile exhibited by the recorded tdTomato;Grpr-Cre cell (D) when 30 pA current was applied. (G, H) A subthreshold depolarization response from a tdTomato;Grpr-Cre cell when 300 nM GRP was applied to the bath in the recording chamber. (I) A gap firing spike profile was exhibited by the recorded tdTomato;Grpr-Cre cell (G) when 30 pA of current was applied. Scale bars, 30 μm.