Fig 6. The median number of anti-BRPlast200- and anti-SYNORF1-positive pixels per ROI varies with age in lip and collar.
a The median number of anti-BRPlast200-positive (anti-BRP) pixels per ROI in the collar is higher in 43-day-old bees compared with 1-, 8- and 15-day-old bees. b The median number of anti-SYNORF1-positive (anti-SYNORF1) pixels per ROI in the collar is lower in 43-day-old bees compared with 1- and 15-day-old bees. c The ratio of anti-BRPlast200-positive pixels to anti-SYNORF1-positive pixels per ROI in the collar is higher in 43-day-old bees compared with 1-, 8- and 15-day-old bees. d. 1-day- and 43-day-old bees differ in their median number of anti-BRPlast200-positive pixels per ROI in the collar. e The median number of anti-SYNORF1-positive pixels did not change with age in the lip. f The ratio of anti-BRPlast200-positive pixels to anti-SYNORF1-positive pixels per ROI in the lip is higher in 8-day-old bees compared with 1-day-old bees and in 43-day old bees compared with 15- and 29-day-old bees. Box blots show median, 25% and 75% quartiles and value range (min-max). (*) Significant differences (p < 0.05) detected with Mann-Whitney U test after Kruskal Wallis ANOVA.