Characteristics of PCDH10. (A) Protein structure of PCDH10. PCDH10 possesses 6 extracellular domains, a transmembrane domain and 3 cytoplasmic domains: CM1, CM2 and CM4. (B) CpG island and promoter region of PCDH10. CpG sites are shown as short vertical lines. The transcription start site is indicated by a curved arrow. CAAT and GT BOX exist in the core promoter. A p53 binding site P53 BS is also located in the PCDH10 promoter region, which is responsive to p53 regulation. PCDH10, protocadherin 10; CM, cytoplasmic motif; p53, tumor protein 53; BS, binding site; CpG, cytosine-guanine site.