Figure 3.
Phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree constructed on the basis of analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and cDNA of 16S rRNA sequences of Bacteria (excluding Proteobacteria) revealed in the DNA- and RNA-derived clone libraries of formation water from near-bottom zone of injection well 1098-8 m3 sampled in December 2006 from the Kongdian bed. Designation: DB means DNA-based library, Bacteria clones (153 clones), DP—DNA-based library of Bacteria clones obtained with primers specific for Planctomycetes (89 clones) (marked by frame), RB—RNA-based library of Bacteria cDNA of 16S rRNA sequences (151 clones) (marked by gray filling). The clusters common for DB and RB-libraries are marked by red arrow. Scale bars show 10 (0.1) nucleotide substitution per 100 nucleotide base pairs. The numerals at the branching points show the significance of the branching order as determined by bootstrap analysis of 100 alternative trees (only bootstrap values above 85% were considered significant).