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. 2017 Apr 1;4(2):82–105. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2016.0026

Table 1.

Sexual Minority-Inclusive Health Surveillance Data Sources

  Sampling design     Question type    
Name/study website Probability Nonprobability Sample characteristics Study years Sexual identity Sexual behavior (past 30 days) Sexual behavior (past 12 months) Sexual behavior (past 5 years) Sexual behavior (lifetime) Attraction Partner status Specific questions PI/contact and data access
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey: Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, England11
    Population: noninstitutionalized British residents;
Age: ≥16years
Size: varies
2014: 7500
2000, 2007, 2014               2014: Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself? Heterosexual or Straight, Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, Other PI: National Centre for Social Research, and the Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester.
                        Altogether, in the last 5 years, how many same sex partners have you had sex with? E-mail:
                        Altogether, in the last year, how many same-sex partners have you had sexual intercourse with? Phone: +44-(0)-0300-303-5678
                        2007: Which statement best describes your sexual orientation? This means sexual feelings, whether or not you have had any sexual partners: Entirely heterosexual (attracted to persons of the opposite sex); Mostly heterosexual, some homosexual feelings; Bisexual (equally attracted to men and women); Mostly homosexual, some heterosexual feelings; Entirely homosexual (attracted to persons of the same sex) Data access:
                        Have your sexual partners been…? only opposite sex; mainly opposite sex, but some same-sex partners; mainly same-sex, but some opposite sex, partners; only same sex, I have not had a sexual partner  
                        Please choose the answer below that best describes how you think of yourself: completely heterosexual, mainly heterosexual, bisexual, mainly gay or lesbian, completely gay or lesbian  
American Community Survey12
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: all ages
Annually 2000–present               How is this person [Person 2] related to Person 1? Husband or wife, Unmarried partner PI: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau
      Size: varies                 What is Person 2's sex? Male Female Phone: 1-800-923-8282
Data access:
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health13
    Population: female, Australian Medicare recipients
Age: 18–23, 45–50, 70–75 in 1996
Size: 41,600
              1946–1951 cohort-specific questions:
What is your present marital status? (Mark one only) Married (registered), De facto relationship (opposite sex), De facto relationship (same sex), Separated, Divorced, Widowed, Never married (2013, 2010, 2007)
Data access: requires application and study team review
                        1973–1978 cohort-specific questions:
Which of these most closely describes your sexual orientation? (Mark one only) I am exclusively heterosexual, I am mainly heterosexual, I am bisexual, I am mainly homosexual (lesbian), I am exclusively homosexual (lesbian), I don't know, I don't want to answer (2014, 2012)
More information:
                        What is your present marital status? (Mark one only) Never married, Married, De facto (opposite sex), De facto (same sex), Separated, Divorced, Widowed (2015, 2012, 2009)  
                        What are your living arrangements? (Mark all that apply) I live alone, I live with one or both parents, I live with other adults, I live with my male partner, I live with my female partner (2014)  
                        1989–1995 cohort-specific questions:
Which of these most closely describes your sexual orientation? (Mark one only) I am exclusively heterosexual, I am mainly heterosexual, I am bisexual, I am mainly homosexual (lesbian), I am exclusively homosexual (lesbian), I don't know, I don't want to answer.
                        What are your living arrangements? (Mark all that apply) I live alone, I live with one or both parents, I live with other adults, I live with my male partner, I live with my female partner (2015)  
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System3,14
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥18 years
Size: varies
Annual               We ask this question to better understand the health and healthcare needs of people with different sexual orientations.
Do you consider yourself to be Straight, Lesbian or Gay, Bisexual, Other, Don't know/Not sure
PI: CDC Behavioral Survey Branch
Data access: Contact state-by-state project officers (
More information: see BRFSS state-added question database (
California Health Interview Survey15
    Population: California residents; Biennially               Do you think of yourself as straight or heterosexual, gay/lesbian or homosexual, or bisexual? PI: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
      Age: ≥18 years                 Is that partner (if sexually active) male or female? (Referring to past 30 days) Phone: 866-275-2447
      Size: 50,000                 In the past 12 months, have your sexual partners been male, female, or both male and female? Data access: Sexual minority data are restricted and require application and payment of a minimum $1,000 data processing/analysis fee
More information:
California Women's Health Survey16
    Population: California adult women living in households with telephones Annually since 1997               Which of the following best describes you? Would you say… Heterosexual (straight), Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, Not sure, Don't know Contact: Julia C. Tomassilli, PhD
      Age: ≥18 years
Size: ∼4000
                Which response best describes whom you have had sex with in the past 12 months? Would you say… Sex only with a woman (or with women), Sex only with a man (or with men), Sex with both men and women, Did not have sex, Don't know Phone: 916-278-2081
More information:
Note: Refer to technical documentation before requesting data
Canadian Community Health Survey17
    Population: noninstitutionalized Canadian residents;
Age: ≥12 years
Biennially 1991–2007
Annually 2008–present
              Do you consider yourself to be…? Heterosexual (sexual relations with people of the opposite sex), Homosexual, that is, lesbian or gay (sexual relations with people of your own sex), Bisexual (sexual relations with people of both sexes) PI: Statistics Canada
Phone: 613-951-1746
      Size: 65,000                 In the past 12 months, have you had sex with a male? In the past 12 months, have you had sex with a female? Data access: requires application and fulfillment of eligibility criteria, data must be analyzed at Research Data Centers
More information:
                        During your lifetime, have you had sex with…? Males only, Females only, Both males and females  
Colorado Tobacco Attitudes and Behaviors Survey18
    Population: English- or Spanish-speaking Colorado residents
Household sampling based on landline or cell phone
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 12,000–18,000
2001, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015               Do you consider yourself to be Heterosexual, that is, straight; Homosexual, that is, gay or lesbian; Bisexual, or something else? Contact: Colorado School of Public Health
Phone: 303-714-4585
Data access:
Current Population Survey19
    Population: civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥16 years
Size: 50,000
Monthly               How is [Person 2] related to you? Opposite-sex spouse (Husband/Wife), Opposite-sex unmarried partner, Same-sex spouse (Husband/Wife), Same-sex unmarried partner PI: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau
Phone: 1-800-923-8282
Data access:
General Social Survey20
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 2000
Annually until 1994
Biennially since 1994
              Which of the following best describes you? Gay, lesbian, or homosexual; Bisexual; Heterosexual or Straight; Don't Know PI: Tom W. Smith
Phone: 733-256-6288
                        Have your sex partners in the last 12 months been… Exclusively male, Both male and female, Exclusively female, Don't know Data access: available for download at or through
                        Have your sex partners in the last 5 years been… Exclusively male, Both male and female, Exclusively female, Don't know  
                        Now, thinking about the time since your 18th birthday (again, including the recent past that you have already told us about) how many female partners have you ever had sex with?  
                        Again thinking about the time since your 18th birthday (again, including the recent past that you have already told us about) how many male partners have you ever had sex with?  
Growing Up Today Study21
    Population: Children of Nurses' Health Study participants
Age: 9–14 in 1996 and 10–17 in 2004
Size: GUTS-16,700
Annually since 1996
              During your life, the person(s) with whom you have had sexual contact (however you define it) is (are): I have not had sexual contact with anyone, Female(s), Males(s), Female(s) and Male(s) Contact: Xenia Kumph, Project Manager
                        Which of the following best describes your feelings? Completely heterosexual (attracted to persons of the opposite sex), Mostly heterosexual, Bisexual (equally attracted to men and women), Mostly homosexual, Completely homosexual (gay/lesbian, attracted to persons of the same sex), Not sure Data access: Investigators who are interested in using GUTS data or surveys should e-mail the Project Manager.
                        Is your partner in your current relationship: Male, Female  
Healthy Youth Survey22
    Population: Students from schools randomly sampled at the state level
Age: grades 6, 8, 10, and 12
Size: varies
2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014               Which of the following best describes you? Heterosexual (straight), Gay or lesbian, Bisexual, Not sure Contact: Jennifer Sabel at Washington State Department of Health
Phone: 360-236-4248
Data request:
Kaiser Permanente Member Health Survey23
    Population: northern California Kaiser
health plan members;
Age: ≥20 years
Size: 42,000
1993–ongoing, every 3 years               Are you bisexual or [lesbian/gay]? No; yes, bisexual; yes, [lesbian/gay]. Nancy P. Gordon, ScD, Study Director, Research Investigator, Division of Research
Phone: 510-891-3587
Los Angeles County Health Survey24
    Population: Los Angeles county residents
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 7200
1997, 1999–2000, 2002–2003, 2005, 2007, 2011               Now I'll read a list of terms people sometimes use to describe themselves. As I read the list, please stop me when I get to the term that best describes how you think of yourself. Heterosexual/Straight, Homosexual/gay/Lesbian, Bisexual, Don't Know PI: Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Phone: 213-240-7785
Data access: requires submission of a proposal and documentation of data security.
                        Over the past 12 months, with how many [women/men] have you had sex? More information on data access:
Midlife Development in the United States25–27
    Population: noninstitutionalized, English-speaking U.S. adults;
Age: 25–74 years
Size: 7100
Wave 1: 1995–1996
Wave 2: 2004–2006
Wave 3: 2013–2014
              MIDUS 1: How would you describe your sexual orientation? Would you say you are heterosexual (sexually attracted only to the opposite sex), homosexual (sexually attracted only to your own sex), or bisexual (sexually attracted to both men and women)? PI: Carol Ryff, PhD
Phone: 608-262-2056
Data and documentation available for download:
                        MIDUS 2: How would you describe your sexual orientation? Would you say you are primarily heterosexual (sexually attracted only to the opposite sex), homosexual (sexually attracted only to your own sex), or bisexual (sexually attracted to both men and women)?  
                        MIDUS 2: Is [KHNAME] a male or a female? Male, Female, Don't Know/Not sure  
                        MIDUS 2: How is [KHNAME] related to you? Husband or wife, lover/partner, same-sex lover/partner  
                        MIDUS 3: Is [KHNAME] a male or a female? Male, Female, Don't know/Not sure  
                        MIDUS 3: How is [KHNAME] related to you? Husband or wife, lover/partner, same-sex lover/partner  
Minnesota Student Survey28
    Population: students in regular public schools, alternative schools, and area learning centers and students in juvenile correctional facilities
Age: grades 6, 9, and 12
Size: varies
2013: 165,000
Conducted every 3 years; 1992–2013               During the last 12 months, with how many different male/female partners have you had intercourse? (dichotomized to… had sex with someone of the same sex or had heterosexual sex) Contact: Ann Kinney
Phone: 651-201-5946
Data access: E-mail to request data use and agreement forms
National Adult Tobacco Survey29
    Population: U.S. national stratified sample based on landline and cell phone of noninstitutionalized adults 2009–2010, 2012–2013               Do you think of yourself as…? PI: CDC
      Age: ≥18 years                 For men: Gay; Straight, that is, not gay; Bisexual; Something else Phone: 800-CDC-INFO
      Size: varies                 For women: Lesbian or gay; Straight, that is, not lesbian or gay; Bisexual; Something else Data access:
National Alcohol Survey30
    Population: U.S. residents
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 7000
2005, every 5 years               Which of the following statements best describes your sexual orientation? Heterosexual, that is, straight, or prefer to have sex with people of the opposite sex; Bisexual, that is, prefer to have sex with people of either sex; or Homosexual, that is, gay or lesbian, or prefer to have sex with people of your own sex; Don't Know PI: Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System
                        Thinking of the last 5 years, that is, since (SEASON) of (YEAR), has the partner or partners in your sexual relationships been Only men, Mostly men, About the same number of men and women, Mostly women, Only women, or Have you not had a sexual relationship in the last 5 years?  
National College Health Assessment31–33
    Population: college students at select U.S. colleges and universities Biannually 2000–present               NCHA I: Which of the following best describes you? Heterosexual, Bisexual, Unsure, Gay/Lesbian, Transgendered PI: American College Health Association
Phone: 410-859-1500
Data access: requires application
      Age: ≥18 years old
Size: varies;
Spring 2015: 93,000
                Within the last 12 months, were your sexual partner(s), if any, N/A, Female, Male, Both Male and Female More information on data access:
                        NCHA II: What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual, Gay/Lesbian, Bisexual, Unsure  
                        Within the last 12 months, did you have sexual partner(s) who were (Please mark the appropriate column [Yes/No] for each row) Female, Male, Transgender  
                        NCHA IIc: What term best describes your sexual orientation? Asexual, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Queer, Questioning, Same Gender Loving, Straight/Heterosexual, Another identity (please specify)  
                        Within the past 12 months, did you have sexual partner(s) who were Women, Men, Trans women, Trans men, Genderqueer, Persons with another identity  
National Comorbidity Survey34–36
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥18 years old
NCS-1: 1990–1992
NCS-2: 2001–2002
              Which of the categories on the card best describes you? Heterosexual (straight), Gay or lesbian, Bisexual, Not sure PI: Ronald Kessler
Data access: data are publicly available for NCS and NCS-R. However, NCS-R sexual minority measures are restricted and require a restricted use dataset application. NCS-2 data are restricted and require application for access:
NCS-1: 8000
NCS-2: 5000
NCS-R: 10,000
NCS-R: 2001–2003               In the past 5 years, how many [men/women] have you had sexual intercourse with? (Circle one category) None, 1, 2–5, 6–10, >10  
                        Relationship roster includes relationship to respondent and sex  
National Drug Strategy Household Survey37
    Australian population
Age: ≥12 years
Size: varies
2013: 24,000
Every 3 years
              Do you think of yourself as…? Heterosexual or straight; homosexual (gay or lesbian); bisexual; not sure, undecided: something else PI: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Data access:
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions38
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥18 years
Wave 1: 2001–2002
Wave 2: 2004–2005
              Which of the categories on the card best describes you? Heterosexual (straight), gay or lesbian, bisexual, not sure PI: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Contact: Nekisha Lakins, CSR Incorporated
Phone: 703-741-7157
Wave 1: 43,100
Wave 2: 34,700
Wave 3: 36,300
Wave 3: 2012–2013
              In your entire life, have you had sex with only males, only females, both males and females, or have you never had sex? Data access: researchers interested in accessing NESARC datasets should contact Aaron White, PhD, at or 301-451-5943
                        People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which category on the card best describes your feelings? Only attracted to females, mostly attracted to females, equally attracted to males and females, mostly attracted to males, only attracted to males  
National Health and Nutrition Examination Study39
    Population: civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: all ages
Size: 5000
Annually 1999–present               Do you think of yourself as heterosexual or straight (i.e., sexually attracted only to [men/women]); homosexual or gay (i.e., sexually attracted to only [women/men]); bisexual (i.e., sexually attracted to men and women); something else? PI: CDC
Phone: 800-232-4636
Data access: series available for download at
More information about data access: can be pooled across survey years to create large sample sizes; CDC provides guidance at
                        In the past 12 months, with how many [men/women] have you had sex?  
                        In your lifetime, with how many [men/women] have you had sex?  
National Health and Social Life Survey40
    Population: U.S. residents of two metropolitan areas
Age: 18–59 years old
1992               Do you think of yourself as… Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Something else, Normal/Straight, Don't know PI: Edward Laumann, PhD
Data access: available for download at study website or
      Size: 3400                 Have your sex partners in the last 12 months been exclusively male; both male and female; or female?  
                        Have your sex partners in the last 5 years been exclusively male; both male and female; or female?  
                        Now thinking about the time since your 18th birthday (including the recent past you've already told us about) how many {female/male} partners have you had sex with?  
                        Now thinking about the time since your 18th birthday and during the time before you started living with [(S)pouse/(C)ohabitant], how many people, including men and women, did you begin having sex with, even if only one time?  
                        If one, was this partner a male or female?
If two or more, how many of these partners were (a) male or (b) female?
                        Now, I am going to ask you some questions about any other sexual partners you may have had during the time you were living with (1st S/C)…  
                        On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very appealing and 4 is not at all appealing, how would you rate each of these activities: b) having sex with someone of the same sex.  
                        In general, you are sexually attracted to (1) only men, (2) mostly men, (3) both men and women, (4) mostly women, (5) only women  
                        Relationship roster includes relationship to respondent and sex  
National Health Interview Survey41
    Population: civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. residents; 1972–1993
Even-numbered years
              Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself? Gay; Straight, that is, not gay; Bisexual; Something else; I don't know the answer [Are you/Is ALIAS] male or female? PI: CDC
Phone: 800-432-4636
Data access: series available for download at
      Age: all ages
Size: 87,500
                What is [ALIAS's] relationship to [you]? Spouse (husband/wife], Unmarried partner  
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey42
    Population: U.S. men and women
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 18,000
2010               Do you consider yourself to be…? Heterosexual or straight, Gay or lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered Phone: 800-999-0960
Data access:
                        During your lifetime, have you had sex with only men, only women, or both men and women? Only men, Only women, Both men and women, Other (specify), Neither  
National Latino and Asian American Study43
    Population: national U.S. community and household sample of adults
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 4600
2002–2003               We would like to ask you some questions about your sexual preference. We would like to know how you best describe yourself. Please read the question and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer: heterosexual; homosexual, lesbian, gay; bisexual; something else; not sure PI: Margarita Alegria
Data access:
                        Thinking back on the past 12 months, have your sexual experiences been with… females only, mostly females, about equal numbers of males and females, mostly males, all males  
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)44
    Population: U.S. in-school adolescents
Age: grades 7–12
Size: 14,400
              Choose the description that best fits how you think about yourself: 100% heterosexual (straight); Mostly heterosexual (straight), but somewhat attracted to people of your own sex; Bisexual that is, attracted to men and women equally; mostly homosexual (gay), but somewhat attracted to people of the opposite sex; 100% homosexual (gay); Not sexually attracted to males or females; Not sure. PI: Add Health Study Team
Data access: Sexual minority data require restricted use application, IRB approval, data security plan, $850 fee.
More information on data access:
                        Considering all types of sexual activity, with how many [females/males] have you had sex over the past 12 months, even if only one time?  
                        Considering all types of sexual activity, with how many [female/male] partners have you ever had sex?  
                        Are you romantically attracted to [females/males]?  
                        Identify romantic and sexual partners, including their gender, in a partnership roster  
National Research Consortium of Counseling Centers in Higher Education45
    Population: stratified random sample of students from 70 U.S. institutions of higher education
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 108,500
                How would you describe your sexual orientation? Bisexual; Gay or lesbian; Heterosexual; Questioning; Other, please specify Contact: University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center
Data access:
National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project46
    Population: community-residing U.S adults
Age: 57–85 years
Wave 1: 3000
Wave 2: 3400
Wave 1: 2005–2006
Wave 2: 2010–2011
              First, in what month and year did you first have sexual activity with (CURRENT OR MOST RECENT SPOUSE/COHAB THAT BEGAN W/IN LAST 5 YEARS, OR CURRENT ROMANTIC PARTNER'S NAME)? Is this person male or female? PI: Linda Waite, PhD
Phone: 773-256-6333
Data access: requires restricted use application and IRB approval
More information on data access:
                        Thinking about the most recent person you had sexual activity within the last 5 years, in what month and year did you first have sexual activity with that person, even if it was more than 5 years ago? Is this person male or female?  
                        Thinking about the (most recent/second most recent/third most recent) person you had sexual activity within the last 5 years). In what month and year did you first have sexual activity with that person, even if that first time was more than 5 years ago? Is this person male or female?  
                        Which of the following best describes (name's) relationship to you? Spouse, Romantic/Sexual Partner  
National Survey of Family Growth47
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: 15–44 years
2002, Wave 6
              Do you think of yourself as…Heterosexual or straight; Homosexual, gay, or lesbian; or Bisexual PI: National Center for Health Statistics
Data access: Sexual minority data restricted and require a data request and user agreement
More information:
      Size: 12,600 2011–2013               Thinking about the last 12 months, how many [male/female] sex partners have you had in the 12 months since (INTERVIEW MONTH)? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.  
                        Have you ever had any sexual experience of any kind with another [male/female]?  
                        People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you…only attracted to females, mostly attracted to females, equally attracted to males and females, mostly attracted to males, only attracted to males  
                        What is X's relationship to you? Husband, Male partner, Wife, Female partner  
National Survey on Drug Use and Health4
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: ≥12 years
1971–present               Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Heterosexual, that is, Straight; Lesbian, or Gay; Bisexual PI: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Data access: 1996 data and documentation available for download:
For more information about NSDUH data, see or contact
      Size: 70,000                 During the past 12 months, have you had sex with only males, only females, or with both males and females? Remember: by sex we mean only vaginal, oral, or anal. Please only mark one box for the best answer.  
                        People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which statement best describes your feelings? I am only attracted to females, I am mostly attracted to females, I am equally attracted to females and males, I am mostly attracted to males, I am only attracted to males, I am not sure.  
National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles48–50
    General population survey in the United Kingdom
Age: 16–59 years
Size: 18,900
Age: 16–44 years
Size: 12,110
Natsal-1: 1990–1991
Natsal-2: 1999–2000
Natsal-3: 2010–2012
              Which of the options on this card best describes how you think of yourself? Response options: Just tell me the letter next to the description on this card: Heterosexual/straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual, other. PI: Bob Erens
Phone: 0800-783-5890
Age: 16–74 years
Size: 15,000
                Altogether, in your life so far, how many (men/women—same sex) have you had sex with (that is, oral or anal, or other forms of genital contact)?  
National Violence Against Women Survey51
    U.S. sample of adults
Age: ≥18 years
1994–1996               Are you currently living as a couple with a woman/man? PI: Patricia Tjaden
Data access:
      Size: 8000 men and 8000 women                 Have you ever lived as a couple with a woman/man?  
                        How many women/men have you lived with as a couple?  
New York City Community Health Survey52
    Cross-sectional NYC residents from the five boroughs; adults
Age: ≥18 years
Size: 8500
              Now I'll read a list of terms people sometimes use to describe themselves…heterosexual or straight, homosexual, gay or lesbian, and bisexual. As I read the list again, please stop me when I get to the term that best describes how you think of yourself. Heterosexual or straight; Homosexual, gay or lesbian; Bisexual, Don't know/not sure Contact: CHS coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Data access:
                        For women: During the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? READ IF NEEDED: By sex, we mean oral, vaginal, or anal sex, but not masturbation.  
                        For men: During the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex? READ IF NEEDED: By sex, we mean oral or anal sex, but not masturbation.  
New York City Health and Nutrition Examination Survey53
    Cross-sectional noninstitutionalized sample of NYC residents; 2013–2014               Do you think of yourself as…
Response options: Heterosexual/straight, homosexual, gay/lesbian, bisexual, don't know, not sure.
Phone: 347-396-4171
      Age: ≥20 years
Size: 1500
                In your lifetime have you had any type of sex with man/woman (same sex)? Data access:
Nurses' Health Study II54
    Population: nurses from CA, CT, IN, IA, KY, MA, MI, MO, NY, NC, OH, PA, SC, and TX in 1989
Age: 25–42 years
Size: 116,700
Biennially 1989–present
              Whether or not you are currently sexually active, what is your sexual orientation or identity (please choose one answer): heterosexual; lesbian, gay or homosexual; bisexual; none of these; prefer not to answer. PI: Nurses' Health Study
Phone: 617-525-2279
Data access: requires proposal, identification of a study team collaborator, and approval of advisory committee; data requesters responsible for paying the data production and statistical analysis costs.
Personality & Total Health Through Life55
    Population: Canberra and Queanbeyan, Australia residents
Age: 20–24, 40–44, and 60–64 at baseline
20+ cohort: 2400
40+ cohort: 2500
60+ cohort: 2500
              Would you currently consider yourself to be predominantly Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Don't know PI: Kaarin Anstey, PhD
Phone: +61-2-6125 8410
Information on data access:
Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods56
    Population: adolescents, children, and their caregivers from randomly sampled neighborhoods in Chicago, Illinois; longitudinal
Size: 6200
1994–1997, 1997–1999, 2000–2001               Which of the following best describes your feelings? 100% heterosexual (only attracted to person of the opposite sex); mostly heterosexual (attracted to both, but mostly persons of the opposite sex); bisexual (pretty much equally attracted to both men and women); mostly homosexual (attracted to both, but mostly persons of the same sex); 100% homosexual (gay/lesbian; only attracted to persons of the same sex); not sure PI: Felton Earls
Data access:
U.S. Census57
    Population: noninstitutionalized U.S. residents;
Age: all ages
1990, 2000, 2010               How is this person [Person 2] related to Person 1? Husband or wife, Unmarried partner PI: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau
      Size: varies                 What is Person 2′s sex? Male Female Phone: 1-800-923-8282
Data access:
Women's Health Initiative58
    Population: women from 40 U.S. clinical centers;
Age: 50–79 years
Observational: 161,800
              Which response best describes who you have had sex with after 45 years of age? Never had sex, Sex with a woman or with women, Sex with a man or with men, Sex with both men and women PI: WHI
Phone: 301-402-2900
Data access: requires request and IRB approval.
More information:
                        Regardless of whether you are currently sexually active, which response best describes who you have had sex with over your adult lifetime? Have never had sex, Sex with a woman or with women, Sex with a man or with men, Sex with both men and women, Prefer not to answer.  
    Population: secondary school students from New Zealand; schools randomly selected throughout the country; cross-sectional
Age: 9–13 years
Size: 28,000
2001, 2007, 2012               Who are you sexually attracted to…? The opposite sex (e.g., I am a male attracted to females or I am a female attracted to males); The same sex (e.g., I am a male attracted to males or I am a female attracted to females); Both sexes (e.g., I am attracted to males and females); I'm not sure; Neither; I don't understand this question PI: Terryann Clark
Phone: +64-9-923-7620 or +64-21-294-8354
Data access:
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System60
    For national YRBS
Population: U.S. public and private school students
Biennially               Which of the following best describes you? Heterosexual (straight), Gay or lesbian, Bisexual, Not sure E-mail:
Data access: combined dataset 1991–2013 available at
CDC will provide information on how to request data from jurisdictions where survey was conducted and in some cases can provide the data.
      Age: grades 9–12
Size: varies
                During your life, with whom have you had sexual contact? I have never had sexual contact, Females, Males, Females and Males More information on data access:

Column shading is used to indicate the following for each data source: 1) type of sampling design, and 2) specific types of sexual orientation and transgender-inclusive gender identity questions.

BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; CA, California; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CT, Connecticut; GUTS, Growing Up Today Study; IA, Iowa; IN, Indiana; IRB, Institutional Review Board; KY, Kentucky; MA, Massachusetts; MI, Michigan; MIDUS, Midlife Development in the United States; MO, Missouri; N/A, not applicable; Natsal, National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles; NC, North Carolina; NCHA, National College Health Assessment; NCS, National Comorbidity Survey; NESARC, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions; NSDUH, National Survey on Drug Use and Health; NYC, New York City; NYC CHS, New York City Community Health Survey; OH, Ohio; PA, Pennsylvania; SC, South Carolina; TX, Texas; WHI, Women's Health Initiative; YRBSS, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.