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. 2017 Apr 24;61(5):e02084-16. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02084-16


Values of VEL plasma PK parameters following administration with or without food

Meal type and PK parameter Value for the following treatmenta:
% GLSMb ratio (90% CI) for test value/reference value
100 mg, fed (n = 12) 100 mg, fasted (n = 12)
Light meal
    AUCinf (ng · h/ml) 7,120 (30.2) 5,980 (40.8) 125 (110, 141)
    Cmax (ng/ml) 800 (19.3) 624 (34.3) 135 (117, 156)
    Tmax (h) 3.25 (2.75, 4.25) 2.50 (2.50, 3.00)
    t1/2 (h) 16.7 (15.3, 18.2) 17.0 (14.5, 18.3)
High-fat, high-calorie meal
    AUCinf (ng · h/ml) 3,620 (48.0) 4,130 (42.6) 86.3 (73.4, 101)
    Cmax (ng/ml) 398 (42.2) 526 (40.2) 75.0 (62.6, 90.0)
    Tmax (h) 3.50 (2.75, 5.00) 2.50 (2.50, 3.25)
    t1/2 (h) 14.2 (11.8, 15.9) 13.9 (11.6, 16.1)

All PK parameter values are reported as mean (percent coefficient of variation), except for Tmax and t1/2, which are reported as the median (quartile 1, quartile 3).


GLSM, geometric least-squares mean.