a–c, gating strategy (live, single cells) for subsequent analysis of surface protein immunostainng. d,e, gating strategy for TMEM119+ (microglia) and CD45L°CD11b+ cells used for further analysis. f–h, representative plots showing abundant macrophage populations in P8 WT mice: CD45L° TMEM119+/TMEM119-, and CD45HI brain macrophages (f), CD11B+/CD45L° and CD11B+/CD45HI cells after saline (g) and LPS (h) injection. i, representative plots showing near-complete absence of brain macrophages in Csf1r−/− mice: CD45L° TMEM119-/TMEM119-, and CD45HI brain macrophages (i), CD11B+/CD45L° and CD11B+/CD45HI cells after saline (j) and LPS (k) injection. l, relative abundance of CD11B+/CD45L° macrophages after LPS or control injection in WT compared to Csf1r−/− mice, expressed as percent of total gated events shown in a. m, relative abundance of CD11B+/CD45HI cells after LPS treatment, normalized to saline control injection in WT and Csf1r−/− animals. N = 3 individual animals per treatment condition and genotype, error bars expressed as s.e.m. * p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA (l); p = 0.77, Student’s T-test (m), compared to age-matched wild type control.