A) EMSA showing tetrasome and (
B) disome assembly controls. The position of migration of the dimsome, tetrasome and free DNA are indicated. The gels were stained with SYBR Safe or Coomassie stain as indicated. Increasing amounts of yCAF1-H3-H4 (0.2 μM to 10 μM in two fold steps) were mixed with 1 μM 84 bp DNA. (
C) EMSA showing that yCAF1 binding to the 84 base pair DNA substrate migrates at the same position as yCAF1 that has released its H3-H4 cargo and subsequently bound to excess free DNA. All EMSA experiments were repeated at least two times with consistency. (
D) Bands indicated by * in
Figure 4A,C were extracted from the native PAGE gel and analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie blue staining. The bottom panel shows a high contrast rendering of the bottom part of the SDS-PAGE gel.