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. 2017 Apr 26;11:189. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00189

Table 1.

Network descriptors used in this study.

Symbol Interpretation Mathematical expression Implication
G Graph Weighted and undirected graph
V Set of vertices Set of n-nodes
E Set of edges Set of n*(n−1)/2 maximum edges
Nleaf Leaf nodes Number of nodes with degree equal to one
wij Weight Weight of the edge connecting nodes i and j
tiw Number of triangles tiw=12j,kV(wijwjkwkl)1/3 Weighted geometric mean of triangles around a node
dijw Shortest path - Shortest weighted path between nodes i and j
Ciw Weighted clustering coefficient Ciw=iG2tiwki(ki1) Segregation measure that quantifies the local connectedness of a network
Cw Average weighted clustering coefficient Cw=1niGCiw A global version of the weighted clustering coefficient used for computing σw
Lw Weighted characteristic path length Lw=1niG,jidijwn1 Integration measure
γw Gamma γw=Cw/Cwrand Ratio of the weighted clustering coefficients between original and random networks
λw Lambda λw=Lw/Lwrand Ratio of weighted path lengths between original and random networks
σw Small-worldness index σw = γww Reveals whether a network has an optimal organization or not
conn Connectivity conn=1n(n1)·wijGijwi,j Measures the connectedness of a network in terms of network's density, where pkl is the number of shortest paths between nodes k and l and pklj is the number of shortest paths between k and l that pass through node j
k Degree ki=jVaij Number of neighbors connected to a node (hub metric)
BC Betweenness centrality BCi=k,lVkl, ki, lipklipkl Quantifies the importance of a node (hub metric)
ECC Eccentricity Indicates whether a node is central or peripheral in a network
d Diameter Maximum eccentricity
r Radius Minimum eccentricity
Lf Leaf fraction Lf = Nleaf/n−1 Fraction of nodes with degree equal to one
Th Tree-hierarchy Th=Nleaf2(n-1)BCmax Quantifies the balance between diameter reduction and overload prevention
κ Kappa or degree divergence κ=k2k Measure of the broadness of the degree distribution
rdeg Degree correlation Quantifies the influence of a node's degree by its neighbors