Figure 3.
Effects of static and alternating magnetic fields (MF) on proliferation of HUVEC cells: number of cells (±SD) measured after 2 days of growth. (a) Cells grown in near-zero MF (NZMF), nearly vertical static (DC) MF at two magnetic flux densities, or combination of the DC field and a vertically oscillating 18-Hz alternating (AC) MF. (b) Cells grown in NZMF, nearly vertical 60 μT DC MF, or combination of the DC field and a horizontally oscillating 18-Hz AC MF. (c) Further experiment comparing cells grown in NZMF or combination of the DC field and the horizontally oscillating AC field. Significant differences from the DC treatment (in (a) and (b)) or from the NZMF treatment (in c) are shown. The overall difference between the MF treatment groups was in all cases significant at p < 0.001.