Fig. 5.
The metabolic basis of antibiotic resistance through dynamic metabolomic profiling shows metabolic reprogramming. a Violacein with its differential abundances as compared to wild type in the StrpR (50% increase) and ChlR populations (50% reduction). b Prodeoxyviolacein measured only in ChlR population. c Fold change with reference to wild type population across resistant populations in their average intracellular relative abundance (log 10 values). d Temporal variation of metabolite abundances across sensitive and resistant populations (log 10 values). e The oscillatory or linear behavior with varying amplitude, period and phase lag during growth on glucose across sensitive and resistant populations. The Central Carbon Metabolism Network is drawn for quick correlation. Solid blue squares show all amino acids, Fructose-1,6-biphosphate (1,6-FDP), D-ribose-5-phosphate (R5P), D-erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P), glycerate-3P (3PG), phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), pyruvate (PYR). Yellow rounded rectangles show nucleotides. Various metabolite time profiles for the three strains are shown. All the values were normalized to the internal standard (Refer Methods for details). Graph legends: Blue – WT, Red – ChlR, Green – StrpR. Means ± S.D. represented in (a,b and e) (n ≥ 2)