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. 2017 Apr 24;5(4):2325967117701708. doi: 10.1177/2325967117701708


Event Summary for Captured Practices and Games per Male Soccer Players Who Played More Than 45 Minutes in the Game, Including Mean Number of Impacts, Geometric Mean Peak Linear Acceleration (PLA), and Geometric Mean Peak Rotational Acceleration (PRA) per Athletic Eventa

Player ID Sex Position Practices, n Mean Impacts per Practice Geometric Mean PLA, g Geometric Mean PRA, rad/s2
13 Male Goalkeeper 50 5.5 17.4 2290.3
15 Male Defense 43 6.2 18.4 2625.5
18 Male Defense 50 19.8 16.6 2795
19 Male Midfield 32 7.7 19 3337.2
Mean (SD) or geometric mean 43.8 (8.5) 10.2 (6.2) 16.7 2693.7
Median 46.5 7 17.9 2710.3
Range 32-50 5.5-19.8 16.6-19.0 2290.3-3337.2
Player ID Sex Position Games, n Mean Impacts per Game Geometric Mean PLA, g Geometric Mean PRA, rad/s2
13 Male Goalkeeper 7 20.9 18.3 2589.8
15 Male Defense 7 18 20.9 2726.6
18 Male Defense 8 82.5 15 2675.3
19 Male Midfield 2 8.5 14 2494.1
Mean (SD) or geometric mean 6 39.5 (31.3) 17.1 2649.3
Median 7 19.4 16.7 2632.6
Range 2-8 8.5-82.5 14.0-20.9 2494.1-2726.6

aThere were a total of 175 and 24 practices and games included, respectively.