Characterization of plasma membrane flow in T cells imaged with TIRF-SIM and analyzed by STICS. (a) The plasma membrane was labeled with the lipophilic dye DiO, and imaged 5 min after contact with an antibody-coated coverslip. Shown is a representative TIRF-SIM image with the magnified ROI within the blue boxes indicating the output vector map from STICS analysis of 1) synapse periphery flow and 2) synapse center flow. Scale bars, 5 μm. (b) Histograms showing the directionality of plasma membrane flow at the periphery (right) and center (left) normalized to total number of vectors. (c) Scatterplots of cell averages, showing speeds for synapse peripheries (4.00 ± 1.61 μm), synapse centers (3.55 ± 1.09 μm), and synapse directionality at the periphery (56.07 ± 17.02°) and center (82.42 ± 12.03°) (n.s., nonsignificant; ∗∗∗∗, p< 0.0001; n = 16). To see this figure in color, go online.