Table 3.
Summary of the immunohistochemical analysis of the human foetal olfactory system
Location | Gap-43 | TUJ | S100 |
mc |
poly |
P75 NTR | Sox10 | PSA-NCAM | NCAM | Vimentin | Nestin | O4 | NPY |
Olfactory nerve | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | A | ++ ± to § | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | A to +++ §§§ | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | +§ | ++§§ | A |
Olfactory nerve layer (outer/inner 17 pcw only) | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | A | +§ | +++ § (+++§/+++±) | +++§§§ | A to ++ § | +++§§§ | +++§§§ | ++§ | A (+ ±/A) | A |
Glomerular layer (17 pcw only) | ++§§§ | +++§§§ | A | A | +§ | A | A | A | +++§§§ | ++§§ | ++§§ | A | A |
Olfactory epithelia | +§§ | +++§§§ | ++ ± | A | A | A | +§§ | ++ § | +++§§§ | ++§§ | A | A | A |
Co-label with p75? | ND | No | In peripheral nerves. | ND | In peripheral nerves. | NA | Yes - In Schwann cells and rarely in olfactory perineural cells. | ND | ND | ND-but labelling of adjacent tissue sections suggests yes. | ND-but labelling of adjacent tissue sections suggests yes. | ND | ND |
Clearly expressed by OECs? | No | No | Yes, extensively. | No | Yes, in small amounts. | No | Yes, extensively. | No | No | Yes, extensively. | No | ONL: No ON:Unsure | No |
Strength of IR: A Absent, + weak, ++ strong, +++ very strong, frequency of IR: rarely positive cells ±, sparse §, often and consistent §§, abundant and consistent §§§. ND not done, ONL olfactory nerve layer, ON olfactory nerve