Long-term plasticity of synaptic excitation in PV+ basket cells. a Spontaneous firing and spike properties of a PV+ basket cell. a1
Top sample traces showing fast-kinetic action potentials of a basket cell (PL190912). The vertical lines define spike duration. Bottom autocorrelation of spontaneous firing lacks a clear peak. a2 Spontaneous firing during theta frequency (3–6 Hz) oscillations. Top traces show LFP theta oscillations (band-pass filtered 3–6 Hz) and basket cell spikes (band-pass filtered at 0.3–5 kHz). Bottom histogram shows firing preference (18° bins) along the descending slope (mean ± cSD) of the LFP theta cycle (black line sine wave). b Partial reconstruction of the dendrites (red from four 70 µm-thick sections) and axon (black from two sections) of a recorded basket cell. Confocal microscopic images show parvalbumin immunopositivity (red) in neurobiotin-labeled (NB, green) dendrite (left, scale 10 µm) and boutons (right, thin arrows, scale 5 µm). The boutons were immunonegative for CB1 receptor (white, CB1R) evident from neurobiotin-free boutons nearby (thick arrows). c LTD in an identified basket cell. c1 Raster plot shows synaptically-evoked spikes (black dots) and stimuli with spike failures (blue dots). Spontaneous firing shown on left (1 min bins). c2 Synaptically-evoked spikes during baseline and 15–30 min after TBS. Top superimposed traces showing spikes at baseline and post-TBS (scales 0.2 mV, 5 ms). Bottom histograms of spike probability (Pr, %) and delay (latency). Spike probability decreased after TBS (P < 0.01, Chi square test). d Corresponding data from another basket cell showing long-term potentiation of Pr after TBS (P < 0.005, Chi square test). Scales 0.2 mV, 5 ms. e Synaptic spike probability in three identified basket cells. e1–e3 Tested for plasticity and showing either LTD-like decreased Pr or LTP-like increased Pr. Post-TBS time points are compared to baseline (Chi square test). Spontaneous firing level was significantly reduced long-term (>15 min post-TBS) from baseline in cell PL190912 (ANOVA with Bonferroni test)