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. 2017 Jan 26;95(4):250–260. doi: 10.2471/BLT.16.177758

Table 2. Results from six models of the association between active trachoma in children aged 1–9 years and community sanitation usage, Amhara, Ethiopia, 2011–2014.

Characteristics Modela
1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of individuals 62 869 62 806 62 037 61 351 61 351 61 351
No. of households 35 977 35 963 35 477 35 061 35 061 35 061
No. of clusters of households 1 510 1 510 1 510 1 510 1 510 1 510
aOR (95% CI) with community sanitation usage of:b
≥ 80% 0.51 (0.35–0.73) 0.50 (0.33–0.75) 0.54 (0.36–0.81) 0.62 (0.42–0.92) 0.74 (0.49–1.11) 0.68 (0.45–1.04)
60 to < 80% 0.67 (0.47–0.97) 0.68 (0.45–1.03) 0.73 (0.49–1.10) 0.78 (0.52–1.17) 0.88 (0.58–1.32) 0.84 (0.55–1.26)
40 to < 60% 0.91 (0.66–1.26) 0.95 (0.66–1.35) 1.00 (0.70–1.42) 1.02 (0.72–1.46) 1.11 (0.78–1.58) 1.06 (0.74–1.52)
20 to < 40% 1.03 (0.76–1.39) 1.07 (0.77–1.49) 1.10 (0.79–1.53) 1.11 (0.80–1.54) 1.16 (0.83–1.60) 1.12 (0.81–1.55)
< 20% Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Random effects
Intraclass correlation coefficient
  Same cluster 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.35
  Same household 0.45 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.51
Median OR
  Cluster 4.80 6.07 6.02 5.86 5.83 5.82
  Households within cluster 2.19 2.66 2.65 2.63 2.63 2.63
Variance between clusters (SE) 2.03 (0.18) 2.52 (0.23) 2.50 (0.22) 2.41 (0.22) 2.39 (0.22) 2.38 (0.22)
Variance between households (SE) 0.68 (0.08) 1.05 (0.10) 1.04 (0.10) 1.03 (0.10) 1.03 (0.10) 1.03 (0.10)

aOR: adjusted odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; OR: odds ratio; Ref.: reference group; SE: standard error.

a Results were weighted to account for the unequal probabilities of selection and down-weight survey participants excluded from the assessment of trachoma prevalence because they were aged < 1 year or > 9 years. Model 1 was adjusted for survey round. Model 2 was like model 1 but also adjusted for sex and age of the child– with age centred at 5 years. Model 3 was like model 2 but also adjusted for household access to bathing water within a journey of < 30 minutes and household latrine with evidence of use. Model 4 was like model 3 but also adjusted for household access to electricity, household education, household ownership of mobile phone, radio and/or television and iron roof. Model 5 was like model 4 but also adjusted for community mean household wealth. Model 6 was like model 5 but also adjusted for the median number of times surveyed residents in a community had reportedly received a mass drug administration against trachoma.

b Usage was measured as the proportion of households with a latrine with evidence of use.