Fig. 14.
Metabolomic analysis of L. mexicana and L. major promastigotes treated for 8 h with 100 μM 5F-Urd. Hatched bars represent L. mexicana; solid bars, L. major. Panels A–C represent the relative intensity, in arbitrary units, of 5F-Urd (A), 5-FU (B), 5F-2′dUrd (C), or 5F-dUMP (D) in 5F-Urd-treated promastigotes. Panels E–I represent relative abundance of the indicated metabolites in 5F-Urd-treated promastigotes and untreated control cells: dUMP (E); dTMP (F); dTTP (G); 2′dUrd (H), 2′dAdo (I). The results are the mean and SEM of triplicate determinations; *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001 (unpaired Student's t-test). The dashed line in Frames C and D indicates the detection limit, set at 500 units.