Table 22-3.
Time Trends in GWTG-ACS Quality-of-Care Measures, 2006 to 2012
Quality-of-Care Measure | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010* | 2011* | 2012* |
Aspirin within 24 h of admission | 94.7 | 92.8 | 91.2 | 90.9 | 97 | 97.6 | 97.8 |
Aspirin at discharge | 94.4 | 95.8 | 94.9 | 95.5 | 98 | 98.3 | 98.4 |
β-Blockers at discharge | 92.8 | 94.6 | 94.5 | 94.9 | 96 | 96.7 | 97.1 |
Lipid-lowering medication at discharge | 84.5 | 85.6 | 81.6 | 86.8 | 92† | 98.4† | 98.8† |
Lipid therapy at discharge if LDL cholesterol >100 mg/dL | 89.1 | 90.7 | 91.9 | 92.5 | NM | NM | NM |
ARB/ACEI at discharge for patients with LVEF <40% | 87.3 | 91.1 | 91.9 | 91.9 | 86 | 87.8 | 89.7 |
Adult smoking cessation advice/counseling | 94.3 | 97.4 | 98.4 | 98.4 | 98 | 98.4 | 98.4 |
Cardiac rehabilitation referral for AMI patients | 71.1 | 63.6 | 52.0 | 49.1 | 75 | 76.5 | 77.3 |
Values are percentages.
In the ACTION (Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network) registry, the unadjusted in-hospital mortality rate for 2012 was 4.8% (95% confidence interval, 4.6%–4.9%; excludes transfer-out patients). The American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines–Coronary Artery Disease (GWTG-CAD) program has merged into the ACTION registry.
AMI indicates acute myocardial infarction; ARB/ACEI, angiotensin receptor blocker/angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; GWTG-ACS, Get With The Guidelines–Acute Coronary Syndrome; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; and NM, not measured.
Measures from 2006 to 2009 are from the American Heart Association’s GWTG-CAD registry. The 2010 to 2012 measures are from the American Heart Association’s ACTION registry. The 2012 data reported include data from the second quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2013.
Represents statin use.