Chart 13-16. Cardiovascular disease and other major causes of death for non-Hispanic (NH) Asian or Pacific Islander males and females (United States: 2014).
“Asian or Pacific Islander” is a heterogeneous category that includes people at high cardiovascular disease risk (eg, South Asian) and people at low cardiovascular disease risk (eg, Japanese). More specific data on these groups are not available. Number of deaths shown may be lower than actual because of underreporting in this population.
A indicates cardiovascular disease (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision codes I00–I99); B, cancer (C00–C97); C, accidents (V01–X59 and Y85–Y86); D, diabetes mellitus (E10–E14); E, chronic lower respiratory disease (J40–J47); and F, influenza and pneumonia (J09–J18).
Source: National Center for Health Statistics and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.