Table 2.
Point of care (rotational thromboelastometer, thromboelastograph, sonoclot analyzer) tests parameters in cyanotic patients (n=33)
POC tests parameters | Normal reference range[9,10] | Mean±SD in study population | Median (range) in study population | Percentage of patients with derranged parameter |
EXTEM CT (s) | 42-74 | 150.33±188.01* | 92 (55-1108) | 87 |
EXTEM CFT (s) | 46-148 | 201.73±203.8* | 136 (67-1200) | 45 |
EXTEM MCF (mm) | 49-71 | 54.33±11.7 | 56 (9-74) | 24 |
INTEM CT (s) | 137-246 | 226.27±58.04 | 224 (29-376) | 36 |
INTEM CFT (s) | 40-100 | 193.12±153.4* | 126 (43-613) | 73 |
INTEM MCF (mm) | 52-72 | 54.12±8.35 | 54 (36-72) | 33 |
FIBTEM A10 (mm) | 9-24 | 10.45±4.94 | 10 (4-25) | 36 |
FIBTEM MCF (mm) | 9-25 | 11.88±5.28 | 11 (4-27) | 30 |
SON ACT (s) | 96-182 | 118.45±41.93 | 110 (52-216) | 21 |
SON CR (unit/min) | 15-45 | 13.41±10.7 | 11.4 (1.4-38) | 36 |
SON PF | >1.6 | 1.5±0.89* | 1.7 (0-3.9) | 42 |
TEG R (min) | 3-8 | 8.92±5.67* | 7.5 (3.5-26.2) | 45 |
TEG K (min) | 1-3 | 4.31±2.6* | 3.5 (1.4-12.2) | 60 |
TEG-α angle (°) | 55-78 | 43.37±18.31* | 44.3 (6-70.2) | 54 |
TEG MA (mm) | 51-69 | 52.69±13.6 | 56.1 (12.3-67.3) | 24 |
*Derranged parameter (out of normal reference range). CT: Clotting time, CFT: Clot formation time, MCF: Maximum clot firmness, A10: Clot amplitude at 10 min, SON ACT: Sonoclot activated clotting time, CR: Clot rate, PF: Platelet function, TEG: Thromboelastograph, R: Reaction time, K: Clot kinetics, MA: Maximum amplitude, SD: Standard deviation, POC: Point-of-care