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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Apr 28.
Published in final edited form as: J Mol Biol. 2016 May 16;428(18):3570–3576. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2016.05.011

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics

80S/eIF5A–Hyp51 80S/eIF5A–Lys51
Data collection
   No. of crystals    3    2
   Space group    P21    P21
   Unit cell
      a, b, c (Å)    435.63/286.45/303.41    438.23/289.33/305.47
      α = β = 90°, γ(°)    98.95    98.92
   Resolution    189.16–3.15 (3.25–3.15)    190.48–3.25 (3.35–3.25)
   Rmeas    36.0 (212.0)    43.4 (235.6)
   I/σI    6.54 (1.03)    6.38 (0.98)
   CC1/2    99.4 (39.6)    99.5 (35.5)
   Resolution at CC1/2 = 0.5 (Å)    3.25    3.35
   Completeness (%)    99.9 (99.7)    99.9 (99.9)
   Redundancy    9.1    8.2
   Resolution    189.16–3.15    190.48–3.25
   No. reflections    1,261,726    1,176,370
   Rwork/Rfree    25.56/26.37    25.43/29.54
   No. of atoms    407,909    407,903
   Protein    184,678    185,006
   RNA and ions    223,231    220,897
   Protein    85.5    103.9
   RNA and ions    73.5    98.2
   r.m.s. deviations
   Bond lengths (Å)    0.006    0.006
   Bond angles (Å)    1.039    1.016
eIF5A-occupancy refinement (%)    97    88
PDB ID    5dat    5dc3

Values in parenthesis show statistics of the highest resolution shell.