DUX4p arrays recruit Bmi1 (PRC1) and Suz12 (PRC2), but only Bmi1 shows copy-number dependent recruitment. A–C. Schematic view of isogenic muscle cells carrying 1 (A), 5 (B), or 12 (C) DUX4p repeats and an EGFP reporter gene, used for ChIP assays. D-I. Isogenic muscle cells differing for DUX4p copy-number were analyzed by ChIP for the recruitment of Bmi1 (D–F) and Suz12 (G–I), on DUX4p (D, G), and on genomic regions used for negative (E,H) or positive (F,I) controls, respectively: a non-target genomic region located 5 Kb upstream of the TSS of the Sfrp1 gene (87) (E,H) and the bona fide PcG target gene Hoxc13 (F, I). All ChIP-qPCR data are shown relative to the bona fide PcG target gene Evx1 (79). The mean of the signals obtained from three independent experiments is shown (D–F, G–I). The error bars represent SEM of independent biological replicates. Asterisk indicates statistical significance (p value) as evaluated by One way ANOVA analysis. *= P < 0.05.