Figure 4.
Motor decline of βIII-/- animals accelerated by additional early loss of GLAST. (A) Latency of 6-week-old mice to fall from rotarod at 3-rpm. (B) Hind limb base width of 6-week-old animals. (C) Number of hind-limb slips 6-week old mice made when crossing narrow, elevated beam. All data are means ± SEM, N = 14 (WT), 7 (βIII-/-), 14 (GLAST-/-), 8 (βIII-/-/GLAST+/-), 8 (βIII-/-/ET4-/-). (D) Coronal sections of posterior cerebellum from 2-month-old mice immunostained with anti-GLAST antibody. Bar, 50 μm.