Characterization of the skeletal muscle-specific and inducible Rheb knock-out mice. Six-week-old skeletal muscle-specific and inducible Rheb knock-out (iRhebKO+) or control (iRhebKO−) mice were treated with 2 mg/day of Tamoxifen for 5 days (TAM). A, at 14 days after TAM, the indicated tissues were collected and Western blotted for Rheb. B, at 7, 14, or 21 days after TAM, mice were injected with insulin (INS+) or PBS (INS−), and after 30 min the TAs were collected and then Western blotted for the phosphorylated (P) to total protein ratio (P:T) of p70. The numbers above the blots represent the values for each group, whereas the graph represents these values when expressed as a percentage of each genotype- and days post-TAM-matched control (INS−) group. C and D, TAs from 14-day post-TAM iRhebKO−/+ mice were Western blotted for the indicated proteins (C) or puromycin-labeled peptides to measure the rates of protein synthesis (D). E and F, muscle weight to body weight ratio for TAs from 14-day post-TAM iRhebKO−/+ mice (E) and photographs of these mice (F). The values are presented as means (±S.E. in graph, n = 5–8/group). Symbols indicate significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) from genotype and days post-TAM-matched control (INS−) (*) and 14-day iRhebKO− INS+ (•).