Age (in years) |
43.0 (10.4) |
44.1 (11.9) |
0.74 |
Marital Status |
Married |
52 (80) |
12 (85.8) |
Divorced |
3 (4.6) |
1 (7.1) |
Never married |
10 (15.4) |
1 (7.1) |
Schooling (in years) |
14.6 (3.2) |
15.1 (6.5) |
0.81 |
Employment |
Working for pay |
53 (81.6) |
9 (64.3) |
Unemployed and looking for work |
8 (12.4) |
4 (28.6) |
Temporarily laid off or on leave |
1 (1.5 ) |
0 (0 ) |
Disabled/Unable to work |
1 (1.5) |
0 (0) |
Retired |
1 (1.5) |
0 (0) |
Student |
1 (1.5) |
1 (7.1) |
Age when moved to the US |
30.6 (13.8) |
22.9 (11.7) |
0.79 |
Number of daily smoked cigarettes |
20.3 (9.2) |
17.3 (8.7) |
0.29 |
Number of cigarettes smoked in the past week |
162.5 (85.9) |
125.2 (68.6) |
0.15 |
Number of attempts made to quit smoking |
5.8 (13.6) |
1.5 (1.2) |
0.05 |
Number of quitting attempts in the past 2 years |
1.95 (6.2) |
0.7 (0.6) |
0.2 |
Serious quitting attempts |
I never had a serious attempt to quit |
26 (40.0) |
3 (21.4) |
I called a quit line |
3 (4.6) |
3 (21.4) |
I quit cold turkey without any help or preparation |
27 (41.5) |
3 (21.4) |
I quit cold turkey but I had it well planned and I set a quit date |
8 (12.4) |
4 (28.7) |
Medication used for smoking cessation (Nicotine gum, patch, pills) |
1 (1.5) |
1 (7.1) |
Description of the last quitting attempt |
0.87 |
Very difficult |
23 (35.4) |
4 (28.6) |
Difficult |
16 (24.6) |
5 (35.7) |
Easy |
13 (20.0) |
2 (14.3) |
Never tried |
13 (20.0) |
3 (21.4) |
Exhaled CO |
21.9 (8.0) |
21.9 (9.6) |
0.85 |
Categories of Exhaled CO |
7–10 Danger Zone |
3 (4.6) |
1 (7.1) |
11–15 Smoker |
12 (18.4) |
3 (21.4) |
16–25 Frequent smoker |
33 (50.8) |
5 (35.7) |
26–35 Addicted smoker |
12 (18.5) |
3 (21.4) |
36–50 Heavily Addicted Smoker |
5 (7.7) |
2 (14.3) |
Total score of Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence |
12 (2.9) |
11.7 (2.7) |
0.76 |
Total score of Smoking Self-Efficacy Scale |
11.1 (6.2) |
16.4 (13.7) |
0.21 |