Figure 4a. Canonical variate analysis showing pharyngeal mechanics differed by group and lesion sidedness (right-sided lesion vs. controls: D=3.64, p<.0001; left-sided lesion vs. controls: D=2.06, p<.0001; right-sided lesion vs. left-sided lesion: D=2.89, p<.0001).
Figure 4b. Eigenvectors of left hemispheric stroke vs. control pharyngeal (in blue) swallowing mechanics indicate mild reductions in hyoid elevation (9), laryngeal elevation (7,8), tongue base retraction (10), and pharyngeal shortening (6). Overlaid are eigenvectors of right hemispheric stroke vs. control pharyngeal swallowing mechanics (in red) which indicate increased pharyngeal shortening, reduced tongue base retraction, reduced hyoid elevation, extension of the head and neck, and a posteriorly repositioned larynx.