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. 2017 Apr 27;5:e3220. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3220

Table 4. Ordination of 19 habitat variables on the first four canonical factors from the CANOCO analysis.

Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
Patch size ha 0.536 0.273 −0.040 0.051
P. sericea presence 0.459 −0.010 0.249 0.184
Forest in 50 m-r plot % 0.429 0.514 0.262 −0.119
Tree density 0.356 0.316 0.211 −0.106
Groundcover height m 0.354 −0.172 0.073 −0.138
Canopy depth m 0.319 0.423 0.137 −0.217
Canopy cover 0.318 0.439 0.156 −0.216
Tree height m 0.289 0.435 0.109 −0.200
Shrub density 0.162 −0.248 0.034 −0.108
Distance to the edge m 0.158 0.443 0.317 −0.019
DBH cm −0.001 0.381 0.090 −0.022
Slope −0.026 0.287 −0.125 −0.068
Moss % −0.081 0.522 0.230 −0.208
Grass % −0.082 −0.431 −0.242 −0.334
Bare ground % −0.120 −0.002 0.228 0.103
Biomass −0.158 0.189 0.076 0.022
Rocks % −0.284 0.392 −0.082 −0.036
P. weberbaueri presence −0.302 0.601 −0.033 −0.103
Elevation m −0.848 0.473 0.095 0.173