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. 2016 Feb 15;8(14):22385–22405. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7399

Table 1. Characteristics of patients by marital status, unmarrieda verus married. SEER 2004-2012 (n=16910)b.

Characteristics Total Unmarried Married P valuec
16910 (100) 7028 (41.56) 9882 (58.44)
Sex <0.001
 male 9463 (55.96) 2917 (41.51) 6546 (66.24)
 female 7447 (44.04) 4111 (58.49) 3336 (33.76)
Race <0.001
 white 10298 (60.9) 4155 (59.12) 6143 (62.16)
 black 2804 (16.58) 1673 (23.8) 1131 (11.45)
 American Indian or Alaska Native 159 (0.94) 73 (1.04) 86 (0.87)
 Asian or Pacific Islander 3593 (21.25) 1111 (15.81) 2482 (25.12)
 Unknown 56 (0.33) 16 (0.23) 40 (0.4)
Age <0.001
 18-27 84 (0.5) 56 (0.8) 28 (0.28)
 28-37 437 (2.58) 179 (2.55) 258 (2.61)
 38-57 3877 (22.93) 1379 (19.62) 2498 (25.28)
 58-69 4442 (26.27) 1549 (22.04) 2893 (29.28)
 70-84 6376 (37.71) 2770 (39.41) 3606 (36.49)
 85+ 1694 (10.02) 1095 (15.58) 599 (6.06)
Histotype <0.001
 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8279 (48.96) 3561 (50.67) 4718 (47.74)
 Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type 2435 (14.4) 1014 (14.43) 1421 (14.38)
 Carcinoma, diffuse type 1084 (6.41) 429 (6.1) 655 (6.63)
 Tubular adenocarcinoma 166 (0.98) 59 (0.84) 107 (1.08)
 Papillary adenocarcinoma, NOS 41 (0.24) 18 (0.26) 23 (0.23)
 Mucinous adenocarcinoma 311 (1.84) 147 (2.09) 164 (1.66)
 Signet ring cell carcinoma 4594 (27.17) 1800 (25.61) 2794 (28.27)
Site 0.026
 Fundus of stomach 857 (5.07) 343 (4.88) 514 (5.2)
 Body of stomach 2115 (12.51) 875 (12.45) 1240 (12.55)
 Gastric antrum 5440 (32.17) 2295 (32.66) 3145 (31.83)
 Pylorus 839 (4.96) 377 (5.36) 462 (4.68)
 Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS 2207 (13.05) 891 (12.68) 1316 (13.32)
 Greater curvature of stomach, NOS 990 (5.85) 370 (5.26) 620 (6.27)
 Overlapping lesion of stomach 1892 (11.19) 777 (11.06) 1115 (11.28)
 Stomach, NOS 2570 (15.2) 1100 (15.65) 1470 (14.88)
TNM Staged <0.001
 Stage I 4468 (26.42) 1995 (28.39) 2473 (25.03)
 Stage II 3724 (22.02) 1537 (21.87) 2187 (22.13)
 Stage III 4077 (24.11) 1613 (22.95) 2464 (24.93)
 Stage IV 4641 (27.45) 1883 (26.79) 2758 (27.91)
Cause of Death <0.001
 Alive or dead of other cause 7811 (46.19) 3068 (43.65) 4743 (48)
 Dead (attributable to this cancer) 9099 (53.81) 3960 (56.35) 5139 (52)
Grade <0.001
 Grade I (well differentiated) 598 (3.54) 265 (3.77) 333 (3.37)
 Grade II (moderately differentiated) 3696 (21.86) 1604 (22.82) 2092 (21.17)
 Grade III ( poorly differentiated) 10534 (62.29) 4235 (60.26) 6299 (63.74)
 Grade IV (undifferentiated) 340 (2.01) 133 (1.89) 207 (2.09)
 Cell type not determined 1742 (10.3) 791 (11.25) 951 (9.62)
Surgery <0.001
 No surgery 5438 (32.16) 2572 (36.6) 2866 (29)
 Non-Total or Non-near-total gastrectomy 8953 (52.95) 3540 (50.37) 5413 (54.78)
 Total or near total gastrectomy 2519 (14.9) 916 (13.03) 1603 (16.22)
Radiotherapy <0.001
 No radiotherapy 12789 (75.63) 5591 (79.55) 7198 (72.84)
 Radiotherapy 3868 (22.87) 1337 (19.02) 2531 (25.61)
 Radiotherapy unknown 253 (1.5) 100 (1.42) 153 (1.55)

Abbreviation: NOS= no other specific; SEER=Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results; IQR=interquartile range.

aIncluding divorced, separated, single (never married), and widowed

bData are presented as No.(percentage) of patients.

cP value of the Chi-square test or Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test comparing unmarried and married groups

dBeing restaged according to the criteria of AJCC Cancer Staging Manual (7th edition, 2010)