Fig. 3.
Saccadic landing errors plotted as a function of target identification. (A) Frequency histograms for radial saccade landing positions on crowded trials with correct (blue) and incorrect (red) target identification at the closest target-flanker radial separation for participant MZ. Landing positions are plotted as a proportion of the target eccentricity. Gray dashed lines show flanker locations. (B) Frequency histograms for tangential saccadic landing error with the smallest tangential target-flanker separation, plotted as in A. (C) Mean saccade landing errors across all participants in the radial dimension as a function of the separation of radial flankers, depicted separately for correct and incorrect trials. Flanker locations are indicated with gray squares. Shaded regions show the SEM across participants. (D) Mean landing errors in the tangential dimension as a function of the separation of tangential flankers, plotted as in C.