Fig. 3.
Chemical phenotypes of LGS1 variants. SL profiles of root exudates from sorghum Shanqui Red (LGS1) with high Striga germination stimulant activity, and of five low-stimulant lines with mutant alleles at SRN39 (lgs1-1), 555 (lgs1-2), IS7777 (lgs1-3), SC103 (lgs1-4), and Tetron (lgs1-5) are shown. Specific SL quantifications are expressed in relative abundance (percent of total measured SLs) in each exudate. Although the absolute amount of the most abundant SL varies from run to run, typical values for 5-deoxystrigol in Shanqui Red or orobanchol in SRN39 are around 2,000 pmol per plant per 48 h. Values are averages of four measures from independent runs ± one SD.