Fig. 1.
Tracer extravasation into the brain is increased in S1pr1iECKO mice. S1pr1 deletion was induced after birth in A–E and in the adult in F. (A) Whole brain images taken after injection of 1-kDa Alexa Fluor 555–cadaverine. (Scale bar: 5 mm.) (B–E) Quantification of extravasated 1-kDa Alexa Fluor 555–cadaverine (B), 3-kDa dextran–TMR (C), 10-kDa dextran–TMR (D), and 70-kDa dextran–TMR (E) in control (S1pr1flox/flox) and S1pr1iECKO mice (n = 3 or 4). (F) Quantification of extravasated cadaverine in control and S1pr1iECKO mice when the deletion was induced in the adult (n = 3). Data are expressed as mean ± SD. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 (Student’s t test). NS, nonsignificant.