Table 1.
MR Imaging Examination Acquisition Parameters
Note.—FGRE = fast gradient-recalled echo, 2D = two dimensional, 3D = three-dimensional, ARC = autocalibrating reconstruction for cartesian imaging, IDEAL-IQ = iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation, NA = not applicable, STEAM = stimulated-echo acquisition mode
*For each acquisition, the two echoes were nominally out of phase and in phase.
†The exact repetition times and the exact echo times depend on the field of view, and hence, were not constant among all participants.
‡This range of echo times permitted reliable T2 estimation while minimizing confounding effects of fat-peak J coupling.
§To minimize both J coupling and T1 weighting.
||Adjusted to habitus and subject breath-hold capability.
#Selected in right lobe of liver, away from vessels, bile ducts, liver edges, and any artifact.
**To balance T1 saturation on subsequent excitations.