Fig 1. Homeostasis in a general uptake system.
Schematic of a general nutrient uptake system. The system is comprised of a transporter that can transport nutrient across a plasma membrane, i.e. it converts external nutrient (Sext) to internal nutrient (Sint). Transporters are synthesized (thin green arrow) and downregulated (thin red arrow). αT denotes transporter synthesis, γT transporter downregulation, and γs internal nutrient usage. All these terms represent fluxes. Regulation of synthesis can be achieved by a number of mechanisms, e.g. regulation of transcription or trafficking. Regulation of downregulation can be achieved by a number of mechanisms, e.g. regulation of transporter activity or transporter degradation/dilution. Nutrients are imported (thick green arrow) and used (think red arrow). Sint [3,4,11,27] and Sext [19] can in principle be sensed and therefore could affect transporter synthesis and downregulation (dotted lines).