EXO70C2 and EXO70A2 interactions in the yeast two-hybrid assay. A, Pairwise interactions with core exocyst subunits. The EXO70A1-SEC3a and EXO70A1-EXO84b-N interactions described by Hála et al. (2008) were used as positive controls. Empty vectors pGADT7 (AD) and pGBKT7 (BD) were used as negative controls. BD-SEC3a and BD-SEC10b were omitted in this assay, since they show high autoactivation capacity (Hála et al., 2008). B, AD-EXO70C2 interacts with BD-ROH1, a putative negative regulator of secretion, similar to AD-EXO70C1 published by Kulich et al. (2010).