Fatty acid composition of DAG and PC in mature seeds of wild-type and engineered camelina lines expressing CvFatB1 alone or in combinations with CvLPAT2 and CpuDGAT1. A, Fatty acid composition of DAG in wild-type camelina seeds and camelina seeds engineered for expression of CvFatB1 alone, with CvLPAT2 (CvFatB1+CvLPAT2) or CpuDGAT1 (CvFatB1+CpuDGAT1), and with the combination of CvLPAT2 and CpuDGAT1 (CvFatB1+CvLPAT2+CpuDGAT1). B, Fatty acid composition of PC in wild-type camelina seeds and camelina seeds engineered for expression of CvFatB1 alone, with CvLPAT2 (CvFatB1+CvLPAT2) or CpuDGAT1 (CvFatB1+CpuDGAT1), and with the combination of CvLPAT2 and CpuDGAT1 (CvFatB1+CvLPAT2+CpuDGAT1). Values shown are the means of mol % of each fatty acid and ± sd of the mean for three biological replicates. Asterisks denote statistically significant difference from wild-type values or CvFatB1 for 10:0 values at *P < 0.01, **P < 0.05 based on two-tailed Student’s t test. Wt, wild type.