A) Absolute lymphocytes numbers in the non-ischemic left and ischemic right brain from DRα1-MOG-35-55-treated versus Vehicle-treated mice. B) CD74 cell surface expression on CD11b+CD45high cells in the right brain. C). Absolute cell numbers in the spleen from DRα1-MOG-35-55-treated versus Vehicle-treated mice; * p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Reprinted from Metabolic Brain Disease. A novel HLA-DRα1-MOG-35-55 construct treats experimental stroke. 29(1):37-45. 2014. Benedek G, Zhu W, Libal N, Casper A, Yu X, Meza-Romero R, Vandenbark AA, Alkayed NJ, Offner H. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013. With permission of Springer.