Fig. 10.
Kinematic alteration for large monkey saccades. A: we plotted the main sequence curve for baseline saccades (black) or post-flash saccades (brownish) after saccades were selected according to the criteria of Fig. 9B. The main sequence curves were close to each other, because the flash was too close in time to the saccade onset (visual spikes would arrive too late after the saccade has been triggered to influence it). B: however, for saccades occurring near saccadic inhibition time (i.e., when visual spikes would coincide with saccade triggering), the main sequence curve was consistently elevated, especially for larger saccades. This is consistent with results of previous human experiments (Buonocore et al. 2016) and also with our microsaccade results from earlier figures (for opposite microsaccades). C: for an example saccade amplitude bin from B (all saccades with amplitude 13.5 ± 1.5°), we could confirm that peak velocity was consistently elevated for the same movement amplitude. D: we repeated the analysis shown in C but for other saccade amplitude bins centered on 8°, 10°, 12°, and 14°. Each bin included saccades ±0.5° in amplitude relative to the bin center. As expected from data in B, peak velocity alterations were consistent for all the different saccade amplitudes, except for 8° saccades (this is likely due to the small saccade size relative to the flash center of mass). Error bars denote 95% confidence intervals.