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. 2017 Apr 5;18(4):769. doi: 10.3390/ijms18040769

Table 1.

Summary of animal studies comparing young and aged differences in cognitive function following stress. Various models of stress and immune system activation examined in young and aged animals show that aged animals have an exaggerated neuroinflammatory response and prolonged behavioral deficits compared to young animals. (↑ = “elevated,” ↓ = “reduced”)

Stressor Study Animals Age(s) Sex Model Notable Findings
Peripheral infection [101] BALB/c mice Young 3–6 m
Aged 20–24 m
Male Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) i.p. injection Exaggerated ↑ IL-1β, IL-6, lipid peroxidation in aged brain
↓ social behavior, food intake, weight loss in aged
[104] F344XBN rats Young 3 m
Aged 24 m
Male Live E. coli i.p. injection At baseline: ↑ hippocampal HMGB1 protein, mRNA in aged; ↑ HMGB1 protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of aged
Following i.p. E. coli injection: Prolonged ↑ expression of IL-1β, IL-18, TNF in aged; prolonged sucrose anhedonia (depression) and ↓ juvenile social exploration in aged
Inhibition of HMGB1: abrogated primed phenotype of aged brain to peripheral E. coli injection, restoring behavior to that of young animals
Central innate immune activation [105] BALB/c mice Young 3–4 m
Aged 20–22 m
Male LPS i.c.v. injection Prolonged ↓ locomotor activity, social behavior, and food intake in aged
↑ cerebellar and hippocampal IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF expression in aged
Surgery [106] BALB/c mice Young 4–6 m
Aged 23–25 m
Male 1.5 cm abdominal incision and gentle manipulation of internal organs for 1 min Anesthetic and analgesics: no effect on hippocampal IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF mRNA expression
Surgery: ↑ IL-1β expression in aged hippocampus; locomotor activity unchanged in in young or aged mice
[107] C57Bl6/J mice 4 m Female 0.5 cm abdominal incision Surgery ↑ anxiety, ↓ special memory
[108] C57Bl6/J mice 2 m–8 m Female Simple laparotomy Surgery ↑ total alpha-synuclein and S100β in the cortex, ↓ attention
Stress [109] BALB/c mice Young 3–5 m
Aged 22–24 m
Male 30 min restraint stress daily for 4 days Stress ↑ weight loss, exaggerated ↑ hippocampal and hypothalamic IL-1β mRNA expression in aged; exaggerated ↑ corticosterone in aged
Higher hippocampal MHCII mRNA and immunohistochemistry staining in aged mice at baseline, and increased in aged mice following stress