Table 4.
PET imaging studies assessing TSPO tracers in dementias.
Disorder | Population | Radioligand | Main Findings | References |
FTLD | 5 FTLD vs. 8 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Significantly increased radioligand binding in cortical frontal, medial temporal and subcortical areas in FTLD group | Cagnin et al. (2004) [130] |
FTDP-17 | 3 presymptomatic MAPT gene carriers vs. 4 HC | 11C-DAA1106 | 11C-DAA1106 BPND greater in the medial frontal, occipital and in the posterior cingulate cortex of pre-symptomatic gene carriers than in healthy volunteers | Miyoshi et al. (2010) [131] |
DLB | 11 early-stage drug-naive DLB patients vs. 11 HC | 11C-PK11195 | DLB patients showed increased subcortical (basal ganglia, substantia nigra) and cortical (cerebellum) tracer BPND | Iannaccone et al. (2013) [54] |
PDD | 11 PDD patients vs. 10 HC | 11C-PK11195 | BPND significant increase in frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital cortical regions | Edison et al. (2013) [52] |
PDD/AD | 10 AD, 10 MCI, 11 PDD patients and 16 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Significantly increased tracer BPND in cortical and subcortical regions of AD, PDD and MCI patients compared with controls Significant negative correlation between MMSE and 11C-PK11195 BPND in temporoparietal, occipital and frontal cortex of AD and PDD patients |
Fan et al. (2015) [125] |
9 PDD, 8 AD and 8 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Tracer was significantly increased in cortical regions of AD and PDD patients, compared to controls | Femminella et al. (2016) [132] | |
AD | 8 AD patients vs. 15 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Significantly increased radioligand binding in the entorhinal, temporoparietal and cingulate cortex 1 patient with isolated memory impairment but without dementia exhibited an increase of 11C-PK11195 binding in the fusiform gyri, inferior temporal gyri and parahippocampus |
Cagnin et al. (2001) [100] |
13 AD patients vs. 10 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Significantly increased tracer BPND in the cortical and subcortical regions in AD patients Tracer binding in gray matter and cortical regions negatively correlated with MMSE scores |
Edison et al. (2008) [105] | |
10 AD patients vs. 10 HC | 11C-DAA1106 | Significantly increased 11C-DAA1106 BPND in the cerebellum, cortical regions (prefrontal, lateral temporal, parietal and occipital cortex) and striatum in AD patients, compared to age-matched control subjects | Yasuno et al. (2008) [107] | |
13 MCI patients vs. 10 HC | 11C-PK11195 | 5/13 patients showed higher cortical tracer BPND than in controls Only frontal cortex radioligand uptake was significantly raised in MCI patients |
Okello et al. (2009) [115] | |
6 mild-moderate AD patients, 6 MCI patients and 5 HC | 11C-PK11195 | TSPO PET images showed no significant difference between the three groups | Wiley et al. (2009) [111] | |
11 drug-naïve AD patients vs. 10 HC | 11C-PK11195 | Significantly increased 11C-PK11195 BPND in the medial frontal, parietal and left temporal cortex in the AD group Significant inverse correlation between MMSE score and 11C-PK11195 BPND in anterior cingulate cortex, precuneus and hippocampus |
Yokokura et al. (2011) [106] | |
6 AD patients vs. 12 HC | 11C-vinpocetine | No significant difference between AD patients and age-matched control subjects in SUV of all brain regions | Gulyas et al. (2011) [133] | |
10 AD, 7 MCI patients and 10 HC | 11C-DAA1106 | Mean BP values of MCI and AD patients higher than those of controls in prefrontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and cingulate cortex, striatum, cerebellum and thalamus No difference in binding was found between AD and MCI patients |
Yasuno et al. (2012) [108] | |
19 AD, 10 MCI patients and 13 HC | 11C-PBR28 | Significantly increased tracer binding in inferior parietal lobule, middle plus inferior temporal cortex and precuneus in AD patients, compared to MCI patients and HC EOAD patients had greater binding than LOAD |
Kreisl et al. (2013) [109] | |
19 probable AD, 10 MCI patients and 21 HC | 11C-PK11195 | ROI based analyses showed no differences between diagnostic groups, with large overlap between subject groups | Schuitemaker et al. (2013) [112] | |
9 AD patients vs. 7 HC | 18F-FEDAA1106 | No significant change in 18F-FEDAA1106 binding between AD and HC | Varrone et al. (2013) [134] | |
11C-PK11195 |
Fan et al. (2015) [103] | |
25 AD patients, 11 MCI and 21 HC | 11C-PBR28 | AD patients showed greater radioligand VT/fP values than MCI patients and HC in combined middle, inferior temporal and entorhinal cortices | Lyoo et al. (2015) [102] | |
10 AD patients vs. 7 HC | 18F-FEMPA | Significantly higher radioligand VT in the medial temporal cortex in AD patients than in controls | Varrone et al. (2015) [135] | |
18 AD patients in moderate stage vs. 21 HC | 18F-FEPPA | Compared to HC, AD patients showed a significant increase in 18F-FEPPA binding in both, gray matter (hippocampus, temporal, prefrontal, parietal and occipital cortex) and white matter (cingulum bundle, posterior limb of the internal capsule) No statistical correlation between radioligand VT in white or gray matter and AD severity |
Suridjan et al. (2015) [104] | |
10 AD patients vs. 6 HC | 18F-DPA-714 | No significant difference in tracer BPND and VT in whole brain gray matter between AD patients and HC | Golla et al. (2015) [136] | |
11C-PBR28 |
Kreisl et al. (2016) [101] | |
18F-DPA-714 |
Significant positive correlation between the DPA-714-GCI and MMSE scores
Hamelin et al. (2016) [110] |
AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BPND, non-displaceable binding potential; CDR-SB, clinical dementia rating scale-sum of boxes; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; EOAD, early-onset AD; FTDP-17, frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17; FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration; fP, plasma-free fraction of radioligand; GCI, global cortical index; HAB, TSPO high affinity binders; HC, healthy control; LOAD, late-onset AD; MAB, TSPO mixed affinity binders, MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; ROI, region of interest, SUVr, standard uptake value ratio; PPD, Parkinson’s disease dementia; VT, total distribution volume.