Triadimefon treated embryos are characterized by yolk sac edema and swim bladder abnormalities. Representative morphological evaluation of embryos (A–C) at 72 hpf, (D–F) 96 hpf and (G–I) 120 hpf. At 72 hpf, embryos exposed to 2 and 4 μg/mL triadimefon show normal development of yolk sac and swim bladder (left panel; compare green and red compared to blue arrowhead and dotted region). At 96 hpf (middle panel), 2 μg/mL triadimefon embryos exhibit minor yolk sac enlargement (green arrowhead in E, 77/80 embryos) and minor inhibition of swim bladder development (green dotted region in E, 74/80 embryos), while in 4 μg/mL triadimefon embryos, yolk sac and swim bladder development is perturbed (red arrowhead and dotted region in F, 89/89 embryos). At a progressed developmental stage (right panel), the 2 μg/mL triadimefon exposed embryos demonstrate minor yolk sac defects and an induced uninflated swim bladder (green arrowhead and dotted region in H, 77/80 and 74/80 embryos respectively). The most prominent abnormalities at 120 hpf are detected in the 4 μg/mL triadimefon treated embryos where the yolk sac is not depleted and the swim bladder is uninflated (red arrowhead, asterisk and dotted region in I, 89/89 embryos). FON, triadimefon. Embryos are shown to the same scale (bar = 500 µm in I).