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. 2017 May 1;216(5):1387–1404. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201608038

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Myosin controls the ratcheting behavior during apical constriction of NBs. (A) Apical area loss during ingression in videos of Spider::GFP-labeled control embryos (overexpressing myristoylated GFP; 28 NBs, four embryos) and zip-RNAi embryos (26 NBs, three embryos). (B) Apical area loss during ingression in ubi-DEcad::GFP-labeled wild-type (control, 26 NBs, four embryos) and sqhM/Z mutants (17 NBs, three embryos). Two classes of mutant cells were observed, one with normal ingression speed (9/17 cells) and another significantly delayed group (8/17 cells). Data presented are means ± SEM. (C and D) Rate of apical area change during ingression of a control (C) and a delayed sqhM/Z mutant NB (D). (E) Stills from time-lapse videos of NBs (segmented in green) in zip-RNAi and sqhM/Z delayed NBs labeled with Spider::GFP and ubi-DEcad::GFP, respectively. See Fig. 1 F for control NB. Bars, 5 ­µm. (F) Fractions of time NBs spend contracting and expanding apically during ingression in control and sqhM/Z class 2 NBs. **, P = 0.0078 (two-tailed t test). Data presented are means ± SD. (G) Period of apical oscillations in control (median, 120 s; n = 152 periods, 26 NBs) and sqhM/Z delayed cells (median, 90 s; n = 433 periods, eight NBs). Box plot with IQRs and minimums/maximums displayed. ****, P = 3.2 × 10−9 (KS test). (H and I) Amplitude and duration of contractions and expansions in control and sqhM/Z delayed NBs. Median amplitudes (bars; squared micrometers/minute): contractions, 3.88/3.14; **, P = 0.005; expansions, 1.75/1.99; ns (not significant), P = 0.11 (H). Median durations (s): contractions, 90/45; ****, P = 5 × 10−19; expansions, 45/30; ****, P = 1 × 10−7 (KS test in H and I). 126–393 events per condition.