Calliphora vicina, volume renderings of the indirect flight muscles, the pre‐helicoidal region of the midgut and the rectal pouch at different times after pupariation (AP), reared at 24°C. The corresponding percentage of time of the total intra‐puparial period (IPP) is given in brackets after each time. (a) 48 hr AP (20% IPP), dorsal view. (b) 48 hr AP (20% IPP), left lateral view. (c) 48 hr AP (20 IPP), ventral view. (d) 120 hr AP (50% IPP), dorsal view. (e) 120 hr AP (50% IPP), left lateral view. (f) 120 hr AP (50% IPP), ventral view. (g) 240 hr AP (100% IPP), dorsal view. (h) 240 hr AP (100% IPP), left lateral view. (i) 240 hr AP (100% IPP), ventral view. ifm, indirect flight muscles; phm, pre‐helicoidal region of the midgut; rp, rectal pouch