Representative micrographs of pancreas showing immunoreactivity for AGE (green,
A, D, G, J) and CD31 to visualize islet endothelial cells (red; B, E, H, K)
with nuclear counterstaining (blue; all panels). Merged images showing
colocalization between these two markers (orange or yellow staining) or close
apposition thereof (C, F, I, and L). AGE immunoreactivity was absent from
islets from 8-week-old db/+;+/+ control mice (A–C) and
from those of 16-week db/+;+/+ control mice (G–I). In
contrast, AGE immunoreactivity was observed exclusively in CD31-positive cells
in 8-week-old db/db diabetic mice (G–I). More extensive
AGE immunoreactivity was observed in islets from 16-week-old
db/db mice (J–L), all of which was localized within
or closely associated with CD31-positive cells. Scale bar = 100