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. 2017 May 1;214(5):1371–1386. doi: 10.1084/jem.20160894

Table 1. Summary of EATL clinical characteristics.

Parameter All EATL (n = 63) Type I (n = 41) Type II (n = 23)
Number (percentage) of cases
Male 33 (48) 18 (44) 12 (52)
Female 36 (52) 23 (56) 11 (48)
African-American 2 (3) 1 (2) 1 (4)
Caucasian 56 (81) 38 (93) 13 (57)
Asian 10 (14) 1 (2) 9 (39)
Age at diagnosis (yr)
Median (range) 62.0 (36.0–92.0) 64.0 (36–92) 59.0 (39.0–89.0)
Celiac disease
Yes 35 (61) 32 (84) 3 (16)
Adherence to gluten-free diet
Yes 15 (36) 15 (44) 0 (0)
HLA type
DQ2/DQ8 49 (71) 36 (88) 10 (43)
Tumor location
Small intestine 61 (93) 40 (97) 20 (91)
Size of tumor (cm)
Median (range) 7.0 (1.5–75.0) 8.0 (1.5–75.0) 6.0 (2.0–23.0)
CD3+ 57 (85) 30 (75) 23 (100)
CD4 50 (91) 29 (91) 18 (95)
CD8+ 31 (46) 15 (37) 15 (68)
CD56+ 19 (33) 2 (5) 17 (85)
T cell receptor
AB 16 (46) 12 (43) 4 (57)
GD 9 (26) 6 (21) 3 (43)
ECOG performance score
0–1 20 (48) 14 (50) 6 (43)
2–4 22 (52) 14 (50 8 (57)
Ann Arbor stage
I 17 (40) 10 (36) 7 (47)
II 18 (42) 14 (50) 4 (27)
III–IV 8 (19) 4 (14) 4 (27)
High LDH
High LDH 31 (89) 21 (88) 10 (91)
B symptoms
Yes 27 (59) 19 (63) 7 (47)
Small bowel perforation
Yes 33 (57) 22 (58) 11 (55)
Number of nodal sites
0 23 (48) 14 (48) 9 (56)
1 or more 15 (52) 15 (52) 7 (44)
Bone marrow involvement
No 32 (89) 20 (91) 12 (92)
Treatment type
Curative 32 (64) 19 (58) 12 (75)
Minimal 18 (36) 14 (42) 4 (25)
Response to initial treatment
CR 22 (63) 15 (71) 7 (50)
PR 5 (14) 3 (14) 2 (14)
NR 8 (23) 3 (14) 5 (36)
Progression or relapse
No 8 (24) 6 (32) 2 (14)
Yes 25 (76) 13 (68) 12 (86)
Median overall survival 10 mo 9 mo 11 mo
1-yr survival rate 44% 41% 50%
2-yr survival rate 27% 31% 19%