Figure 6.
(a) Whole-body optical imaging. The distribution of indocyanine green-encapsulated hyaluronic acid (HA)-poly(ethylenimine)/HA-poly(ethylene glycol) self-assembled nanoparticles (ICG/HA-PEI/PEG NP) in A549/A549DDP non-small cell lung cancer- (i) and H69/H69AR small cell lung cancer- (ii) bearing mice. Mice bearing A549 andA549DDP and H69/H69AR tumors were injected with ICG/HA-PEI/PEG NPs and imaged at different time points using the IVIS live imaging system. To see the half-life of ICG alone in circulation, the free dye ICG was injected into A549 tumor-bearing mice and imaged at different time points (iii). (b) Biodistribution of NPs throughout different organs in the mice tissues. Reproduced, with permission, from [98].