A, Representative images of control-, shMyt3-, or Myt3-transduced islets cultured for 1, 3, and 7 days on 804G. The red line indicates the islet boundary. B, Quantification of islet area for islets in A. The data represent mean values from at least 3 experiments with 10 islets per experiment. Islets transduced as above were stained after 7 days in culture for E-cadherin (red) (C) or phalloidin (red) (D) to mark F-actin. GFP-positive cells indicate transduced cells (green). Histograms show signal intensity along a line segment (blue line) drawn through the cell. ***, statistically significant difference at P ≤ .001. Scale bars, 10 μm (white bar) and 100 μm (black bar).