Long-term distant metastasis-free survival outcomes of breast cancer patients based on RORγ expression. A, K-M survival analysis was generated with a survival analysis tool (23). Breast cancer patients were divided into high and low RORγ expression groups according to the median expression. A significant log rank test value of P < .001 was obtained. B and C, Patient falling in MAINZ and UNC data sets was examined with RORγ expression. Low RORγ expression group and high RORγ expression group were split according to 33% and 66% quantiles. A significant log rank test value of P < .01 was obtained. D and E, Hazard ratio (HR) of PRMT2 and RORγ in cohorts. Using the hazard.ratio function of the genefu package, individual HRs of five independent human breast cancer cohorts (NKI, MAINZ, UNT, TRANSBIG, and UPP) was computed. The HR was plotted with lower and upper 95% confidence interval (CI) in the forest plot using the odds ratio scale.