(a, e) Water potential (Ψ) of L8 of CaMV or TuMV infected plants at the end (Day 9) of the water deprivation regime (n = 12 for both CaMV and TuMV infected plants). (b, f) Length of fully expanded leaves L4, L6 and L8 of CaMV or TuMV infected plants (n = 20 per leaf level for both virus species). (c, g) average time required for the appearance of each newly formed leaf on CaMV or TuMV infected plants (n = 20 in both cases). (d, h) Total dry weight of leaves from pools of 10 CaMV or 10 TuMV infected plants (npools = 3 in both cases). (i) Illustration of the protective effects of CaMV and TuMV infection on turnip response to severe water deficit. Healthy (mock-inoculated), CaMV-infected and TuMV-infected plants are shown 30 days after total water withholding. (a-h) Bars represent SEM and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between water treatments according to a Student’s t-test (p ≤ 0.05, see text). Details on plants used in the different morpho-physiological traits measurements are summarized in S1 Table.